Control System

A user can have one or more control systems. Each control system requires a separate hub.

Each user can have multiple control systems, each one running on a separate hub. These hubs need to be connected to the Internet. Hubs can be connected from separate IP addresses, and multiple hubs can be connected from the same IP address.


The introduction explains the steps required to install a control system, from purchase through to the user logging into the control system.

Step 1. Buy a Control System

The first step is to but a control system. Please click on the Buy NOW button. The SystronicsRF Home Automation System is now available for purchase online with payments made via PayPal. You can also buy a pre-assembled Raspberry Pi with an installed pre-flashed Micro SD. This is supplied by a Raspberry Pi accessory specialist based in the USA.

Step 2. Connect Hub

The user then connects their hub(s), with the control system software already installed on it, to the Internet. At this point, the control system is unregistered.

Step 3. Start Hub Registration

The user visits their "My Profile" page and is taken to the registration area within a secure area dedicated to that user on the website.

Step 4. Discover Control System

The website then attempts to discover any unregistered control systems that are connected to the Internet via the same IP address as that from which the email link is connected. If successful, the website prompts the user to confirm the control system registration(s).

Step 5. Control System Login

The user logs into the control system.

An Internet connection is required during this registration process. Otherwise, the control systems operate without any reliance on an Internet connection. This includes their everyday use, the designing of new activators and actions, adding devices, etc.

The hub is based on a Raspberry Pi 3B or 3B+, and only requires an SD card, one or more network adapters, and a copy of the software.